How SalesDriver was Born

I get these questions A LOT, but the answer may surprise you.Why start a consulting business to teach people how to sell their own products or work with agencies to teach and support their sales efforts? I

sn't That what they do? The answer is both yes and thankfully for us here at SalesDriver.In order to understand why Salesdriver was created, you would need to understand my background. I’m really a serial entrepreneur and tech geek with over 20 years of corporate sales experience, closing multiple large Logo and million dollar plus contracts in the digital, marketing, and advertising space.

So, why SalesDriver? 

SalesDriver is based on a few things

  1. Automate the things that I hate doing

  2. Setup the things that companies usually fail to prep for, and cause delays in selling

  3. Take out the roadblocks and give me “the rep” the tools needed to succeed.

  4. Shorten the time from the reps first day to the first close. Often getting that first close out of the way is the difference between keeping and growing a rep to losing and going back to the expensive hiring process. 

Salesdriver was designed around what I believe are the necessary tools and steps needed to make sales people successful, including myself. Read more about the “Modern Day Sales Rep” for a more in-depth look at what it takes to sell in today’s markets. 

The above points sound simple enough, and it would make sense that every company hiring sales staff would strive to do those things, but I assure you they don’t.  And it's not always their fault. It is difficult to get outside your everyday routine and look at your business like a prospect does.  

This is what we do, we look at your business like your ideal prospect (after helping figure out who that is) and develope a strategy and customer journey that emcompasses the above points, providing the prospect with what they need to know about your company, when they need to know it.  

So how do we do this? 

First we take a look at your sales engine? Here at SalesDriver we build, fix, and tune-up sales engines. We took the standard sales process and broke it up into what we call engine states  (for more info on our engine states take a look at our website or our upcoming article on the topic).  So if your sales engine needs a tuneup, overhaul or a complete rebuild we are here to get your sales engine running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. 

By mapping a complete customer journey we are able to follow the customer path and develop a roadmap that fine tunes the interactions between consumer and the company throughout the journey.  We support the sales reps where they need it and provide the organization with the assets necessary for their sales engines success. 

One of my mentors once told me “do what you know.”  As a 20 year experienced corporate sales rep, I took that to heart. That’s how SalesDriver was born. Born out of the needs of the Modern Sales rep and with the goal of developing fine-tuned, smooth running sales engines.  SalesDriver is made up of  a team of experienced sales focused experts who live and breathe business development. We are SalesDriver, we drive sales. Take our questionnaire to get started today.