How To Provide Content that Adds Value

In today’s world of business, it’s all about providing value. You want to provide value in your products and services, but you also need to provide value before people buy. Doing so will show people that your company has something to offer. If you give people something free, whether it be a complementary resource or some much needed advice.

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Photo by Nick Morrison / Unsplash

they will be more likely to reciprocate by making a purchase. Showing that your company has value will also establish you as a thought leader and build loyalty and trust in your relationships. So the question is, how can you provide valuable content that drives conversions? Here are some recommended strategies.

Use a Different Angle

Writing blogs is a great way to provide content. Aim to write on subjects your audience will want to know about. For instance, if you’re selling a product for mothers, a blog with useful tips like ‘how to get your baby to sleep through the night’ and ‘how to minimize teething pain’ will keep them engaged. 

But in time, you will find that many of your competitors have written articles on similar topics. So how do you get your article to stand out? Use a unique angle. 

Introduce an idea based on personal experience. Talk about techniques as well as products. If everyone else is writing a blog, consider making a video. These are all angles that will set your content apart to make you stand head and shoulders above the competition. 

Repurpose Your Most Popular Content

While releasing content is great, you should also be keeping track of how your content is doing. This will help you determine what’s working and what isn’t. 

And while you can’t keep reposting your most popular content, you can repurpose it. 

You can make updates and re-release it using a different title. You can release it across different platforms. You can also take snippets of the info in the article and turn them into social media posts.

Alternately, you can take the content and release it in a different format. Turn a popular blog into a video, an infographic or a longer or shorter form piece. 

Offer Something Free

A great way to engage your readers is to offer them something free. The most cost-efficient way to go about this will be to offer something downloadable such as an eBook or a template. You can also make discounts and coupons available.

Offering free content will make consumers more likely to reciprocate by buying your products and services, but it is also a great way to collect contact information. For instance, you can ask users to enter their email addresses in return for access to the free content. Then you will have a way to stay in contact through newsletters and online promotions and updates. 

Content is king but content that adds value can really get your company moving forward. What strategies do you implement to make sure your marketing materials are working to boost conversions?